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Hi. Welcome.

We are pretty ordinary people. 

We grew up in Michigan. We used to live in Maryland. Now, we live in Colorado. 

We are both Central Michigan Chippewas

One of us works in the clouds. The other is a teacher

We have a dog. She's a boxer. She goes everywhere with us.  

We travel a lot. National Parks are our jam. 

We get from A to B in a new Bronco . It's pretty rad. 


This page is only the beginning....

Craig's Stuff


Ever since I was a kid, I've loved to take stuff apart, mess with computers and void warranties of all kinds. Not much has changed. Today, it pays the bills (and contributes to a few).


I like beer. A lot. I like to drink it. I like to brew it. I like to learn about it. I thought I knew a lot. Every day I learn I don't.

Over the last few years, I've become a very big fan of "sour" beer; Belgian lambic style to be precise. I started a cellar, which grew rapidly. At least lambic ages well...


There's a weird relationship between me and food. I'm both a foodie and notorious picky eater. As a rule, the more cheese it contains, the more likely I am to eat it.


I'm a pretty big hockey and baseball fan. I've been a Detroit Red Wings fan since I was a kid and have been to 21 NHL arenas. My baseball allegiance is looser, but usually it's to Detroit (AL) and Colorado (NL). I've also visited 24 MLB parks (and 7 spring training parks).


Sitting still has been impossible for me throughout my life. When I was a kid, we didn't travel much; when we did it was usually around Michigan to play hockey. Didn't visit California until I was 30; left North America for the first time at 35. However, in the last decade, I've tried to (over)compensate for that. While I'm still ramping up more international travel (4 European and 2 Asian countries visited), on this side of the ponds, I have visited 46 of the 50 states and three Canadian provinces. By the end of 2023, it will be up to 48 states (including both AK & HI).

Jocelyn's Stuff

In tellus ipsum, ullamcorper vitae justo sit amet, mattis consequat tortor. Pellentesque rutrum, ligula vel fermentum imperdiet, lectus eros volutpat urna, id mollis dolor justo vulputate justo ut sit amet ante luctus metus.

Suspendisse risus urna, posuere id orci ut, facilisis accumsan ipsum. Etiam sodales consequat purus non vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed vehicula lacinia porta. Vivamus faucibus dui nulla, a aliquet nunc porta in.

Other Stuff

Vestibulum sem purus, interdum sit amet varius id, porta sit amet sem. Mauris nec dui ut sapien finibus bibendum eget sit amet nulla. Proin condimentum urna quis tincidunt euismod. Vivamus eget sem at lorem varius pretium. Sed nisl lacus, sollicitudin sed elit et, convallis convallis arcu.

Nulla ut consequat felis, et euismod enim. Etiam at tellus eget dui tristique eleifend pretium eu tellus. Integer eu facilisis velit. Proin in mollis metus, id vestibulum enim.

